One Series

The One series was designed and realized with the aim of fostering and managing a modern and versatile separate waste collection. One is intended to be hosting a traditional dumpster that is movable through a standard side-loader vehicle, although its conformation is so flexible to allow to be used with different containers.
One also represents a cornerstone in terms of photovoltaic fuelling: despite being conceived as a single-unit item, each system belonging to the One series is able to be combined with similar devices in order to establish autonomous and self-reliant stations (up to six elements) managed by a singular electro-hydraulic control unit.

Post-sales Management

Another instrumental point concerns the absence of interruptions. Waste collection cannot and should not be suspended. By the same token, it is crucial the maintenance of the highest safety conditions for both citizens and workers.

In order to guarantee continuity Ecologia Soluzione Ambiente gave rise to the tailor-made User Customer Service, a unit providing non-stop assistance through highly-specialized and updated technicians.