Waste Water Treatment Processes

Water is arguably an essential feature of our life and hence it is very important to preserve it by avoiding any kind of waste. During the past, the different human activities and demographic growth were leading to a major water request. ESA takes care of water cycle offering, through advanced technologies, the best solutions in order to reuse water for several purposes.

ESA provides the best solutions to treat rainwater, municipal and industrial discharges in order to allow the recycling and the reuse, two measures that protecting water surface resources.

Civil Waste Water

In the civil sector, the sewage networks are divided into mixed and separated: the first are such that rainwater (socalled white water) and all domestic waste and any industrial waste that can be assimilated to civilians (so-called black water) are collected in a single drain. The separated sewage systems, instead, have two distinct drains: one for rainwater (white sewage) and one for similar civil and industrial sewage (black sewage).

The domestic waste water are the waste water from residential settlements and services deriving mainly from human metabolism and domestic activities.

Industrial Waste Water

The treatment begins with a detailed analysis of the main pollutants present in industrial wastewater. This allows the most proper purification process to be developed in order to achieve the best plant solution through an executive project.

Employed Technologies

  • Chemical-physical processes
  • Biological process
  • Ultra-filtration
  • Nano-filtration
  • Ion exchange resins
  • Vacuum evaporation technologies

Reuse and discharge in surface water

Thanks to a differentiated design it is possible to obtain cleaning performances that, in addition to the possibility of discharging into surface waters, allow the reuse of treated water for irrigation, dual or even water serving industrial activities.

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Consulting and Design

ESA designs and plans to meet the all the different needs of every customer or project taking into consideration the geographical area of reference and selecting the most appropriate technology and plant solution in the field of both civil and industrial waste water.

Solutions and Technological Processes

Ecologia Soluzione Ambiente provides different types of solutions depending on the needs, starting from the quantity of liquid to be purified per day or, in the case of civil waste, the number of inhabitants in the area where the liquid to be purified is produced. All is done in compliance with the local regulations that define the guidelines of the water leaving the purification plant.

The entire purification range is characterized by a balanced mix of versatility, modularity, mobility, resistance, characteristics that allow its numerous products to adapt better to the needs of small plants as well as those of metropolitan city treatment plants, with ultimate goal of protecting the environment and water resources.


The Depuration Range of Products

Linea Fast


Linea CITY 2 O


Linea Bio-Container


Linea Concrete




Products Modularity

Post-Sales Management

È indispensabile che tutti gli impianti vengano mantenuti costantemente efficienti e sicuri nel corso del tempo. Così come è centrale il mantenimento di condizioni di sicurezza attiva e passiva per cittadini ed operatori a dispetto di legislazione fatta di normative in continuo divenire.

Per questo abbiamo deciso di creare un dipartimento ad hoc che si occupa di fornire assistenza tramite tecnici altamente qualificati ed informati in merito alle caratteristiche tecniche e ai rischi associati all'esecuzione dei lavori.