City 2O Line

Thanks to the use of tanks made of fiberglass polyester (PRFV-RPFG), the City 2O systems are capable of meeting the needs of contexts numbering 200 to 5000 people. The tanks are specifically designed by ESA’s Research & Development team and are marked by an extreme versatility and modularity. These traits make all the systems fit for the depuration of waste and rain water through the use of both under- and above-ground systems.

from 200 to<br/>2000people


The use of fiberglass polyester has become stronger over the years due to its compelling features as lightness, solidity, resistance and flexibility – all traits making the implementation of a City 2 O system a quick, cheap and safe operation.

The positive sides of using fiberglass polyester can be easily seen during both installation and post-installation phases. Also, City 2 O systems boast a high resistance to deteriorating and stability over time.


  • Modularity
  • Resistance to deteriorating
  • Stability over time
  • Lightness
  • Versatility and elasticity
  • Volumetric
  • Quick and rapid installation
  • Saferty
  • Saving
  • Compatibility


City 2O Line
City 2O Line

Post-sales Management

Another instrumental point concerns the absence of interruptions. Waste collection cannot and should not be suspended. By the same token, it is crucial the maintenance of the highest safety conditions for both citizens and workers.

In order to guarantee continuity Ecologia Soluzione Ambiente gave rise to the tailor-made User Customer Service, a unit providing non-stop assistance through highly-specialized and updated technicians.